简以明志 龙卧茅庐

码农 读书 数学 武学 量子力学

哲学 佛学 儒学 道学 发发牢骚




至于如今,只身赴德意志联邦共和国,习德语,攻课程,于下萨克森州首府汉诺威习Informatik, 致硕士卒业,二十有六.旋即于莱布尼茨大学之L3S研究所精进求学,力求以Ph.D.只身观天地之广袤,察品类之繁盛也.

即为Ph.D.,则为导师之膀臂,于师传道授业之时侍于侧,批改作业,督促学习,至今已为Deep Learning,Probabilistic Machine Learining等一众课程之助教,窃以为以余之鲁钝,亦自然有得.

至于科研格致,论文发表出有一二,即此大规模词语嵌入及此人机识物归因之别两文者矣.若夫科研方向者,盖"机器学习模型之阐释(interpretation of machine learning models)"耳.

Of Coders, Books, Mathematics, Martial Arts, and Quantum Physics

Of Philosophy, Buddhism, Confucianism, Daoism, and Some Lamentations

Yours truly, Master Zhang Zijian, did commence the study of computer programming at the age of twelve and now more than a decade hath passed. Oft did I participate in the NOIP, but never did I claim the highest accolade in my province. Moreover, due to rigorous academic demands and mine own humble abilities, no notable achievements were made.

Upon entering university, I sought wisdom at the feet of the great Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology, nestled beneath the mountain of Zhong Nanshan. As the proverb says, 'row not against the current', my studies did suffer. Once, in the company of two fellow scholars, I entered the National University Electronic Design Contest on information security. Despite our best efforts, we secured but the second place. As for the sacred doctrines of Confucianism, Buddhism, Daoism, and the sciences of Mathematics, Physics, and Quantum Physics, and the arts of martial combat, mine understanding is but superficial. During this time, I also had the honour to engage with the Information Security Association, exchanging ideas with skilled hackers from across the realm. Through this, I was blessed with many friendships; though now scattered, they remain close to my heart.

My time at the undergraduate level was indeed eventful. In the year 2012, to my great humility, I was awarded the second prize at the National Information Security Contest. For mine graduation project, I harnessed the power of the GPU to detect communities in complex networks.

Now, I find myself in the Federal Republic of Germany, studying the German language and pursuing academic courses. I devoted my time to the study of 'Informatik' in Hanover, the capital of Lower Saxony, and achieved my master's degree at the age of twenty-six. Thereafter, I sought further enlightenment at the L3S Research Institute of the Leibniz University, with the ambition to achieve the title of Ph.D. Throughout this time, I have had the pleasure to behold the vastness of the world and the multitude of its wonders.

In my role as a Ph.D. student, I have served as an aide to my mentor, assisting in teaching, correcting assignments, and urging diligence in study. To this day, I have been the teaching assistant for many a course, including Deep Learning and Probabilistic Machine Learning. Given my modest capabilities, I reckon I have achieved a decent standing.

In terms of research endeavours, I have penned a few papers. Notable amongst these are Large-scale Word Embeddings and Differentiating Between Human and Machine Attribution. My primary research is focused on the "interpretation of machine learning models."

De Codicellariis, Libris, Mathematica, Ars Martialis, et Physica Quantica

De Philosophia, Buddhismo, Confucianismo, Daoismo, et Quibusdam Lamentationibus

Ego, Magister Zhang Zijian, incipiebam discere artem computatricis annos duodecim natus et iam amplius quam decennium praeteriit. Saepe participabam in NOIP, sed numquam potui coronam provinciae summae capere. Immo, propter studia severa et mea humilitas, nullum magnum opus gessi.

Cum intravi universitatem, petivi sapientiam apud Universitatem Xi'an Electronic Science et Technologiae, sub monte magni Zhong Nanshan. Ut proverbium dicit, 'contra flumen noli remigare', studia mea passa sunt. Quondam, cum duobus sodalibus, ingressus sum Certamine Nationali Universitatis Electronic Design de securitate informationis. Licet studuerimus, secundum locum solummodo capivimus. De sacris doctrinis Confucianismi, Buddhismi, Daoismi, et scientiis Mathematicae, Physicae, et Physicae Quanticae, et artibus martialibus, cognitio mea est superficialis. Hoc tempore, communicabam cum Societate Securitatis Informationis, tractans cum peritis hackerorum ex tota terra. Hac via, multos amicos feci; licet nunc dispersi sunt, semper mihi cari sunt.

Tempus meum subgraduatus fuit plenum eventuum. Anno 2012, summa cum humilitate, secundum praemium in Certamine Nationali Securitatis Informationis accepi. Pro meo projecto graduationis, uti potuit virtute GPU detegere communitates in retibus complexis.

Nunc, in Re Publica Federali Germaniae sum, discens linguam Germanicam et persequens studia academica. Dedi tempus meum studiendi 'Informatik' in Hanover, capite Inferioris Saxoniae, et magistri gradum acquisivi anno vigesimo sexto. Postea, petii ulteriorem sapientiam apud Institutum L3S Universitatis Leibniz, cum ambitione titulum Ph.D. adipisci. Per hoc tempus, gaudebam aspicere vastitatem mundi et multitudinem mirabilium eius.

In munere meo ut doctor philosophiae, ministravi ut adjutor meo magistro, adjuvans in docendo, corrigens pensa, et urgens in studio. Hucusque, magister lectionis fui multorum cursuum, ut Deep Learning et Probabilistic Machine Learning. Mea humilitate, existimo me bene fecisse.

De conatibus scientiae, nonnulla chartae scripsi. Notabilia inter haec sunt Large-scale Word Embeddings et Differentiating Between Human and Machine Attribution. Meum praecipuum studium est in "interpretatione modelorum machinae discendi."