metasploit 中文系统安装失败问题
或可以安装metasploit framework的mini版,该版本不安装postgresql自然也无上述错误了。但无法使用GUI界面和一些相关功能
On 11/29/2010 11:21 PM, Yuping Li wrote: hi, guyswhen i was installing the metasploit framework 3.5 on XP, I come across with the following error message again and again.There has been an error. Unknown error while running C:\framework/postgresql/bin/psql.exe -U postgres -p 8448 -h localhost -c "ALTER USER postgresql PASSWORD '********'" The application will exit now. We have seen this on some non-english versions of the install - the cause is the default locale in PostgreSQL is not compatible with the SQL_ASCII statements. We need to override the installation locale of PostgreSQL to resolve this and have an open ticket to resolve it.-HD